Johany Yanto (English Faster PIK) My son’s name is Julian. He is studying in Singapore, currently in Secondary 3. Julian follows English Faster since 2020 until now. Since studying at English Faster, Julian has a lot of improvement in his English lessons. Why did we choose English Faster? 1.The affordable fees , 2. Limited number...
AnnouncementGiveaway Winners! #EnglishFasterParentsFeedback
Johany Yanto (English Faster PIK)
My son’s name is Julian. He is studying in Singapore, currently in Secondary 3. Julian follows English Faster since 2020 until now. Since studying at English Faster, Julian has a lot of improvement in his English lessons. Why did we choose English Faster?
1.The affordable fees ,
2. Limited number of students in class (student can focus)
3. The curriculum similar with Singapore curriculum so that Julian can follow it well.
4. The teachers who teach also have positive energy always encourage their students
5. Last but not least the administration management part of English Faster is also friendly and dedicated, not tired of updating information (because we take online lessons due to the distance apart) and
6. lastly I believe all this is thanks to the guidance of the English Faster Principal Mrs. Prescellawati Ang. She can manage both the teaching departement and the administrative departement well 👍👍👍
Thank you again for English Faster who has helped Julian in his English lesson. Hopefully English Faster will be more successful and still maintain good educational values.
Ike (English Faster PIK)
Testimonial hasil belajar anak di English Faster :
Anak saya belajar disini sejak usia 8th dan sekarang berusia 11,5th. Perkembangannya sangat cepat dan sangat baik. Dia juga sempat menjuarai Spelling Bee Competition dan Tongue Twister Competition. Dia merasa nyaman belajar di English Faster. Metode pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang digunakan juga cukup baik.
Kellen Mac Kenzo Saint (English Faster PIK)
Kenzo sangat senang belajar di English Faster. Semenjak bergabung, dia sangat senang dengan metode pembelajarannya. Guru-guru nya yang sangat baik dan sabar. Saat ini Kenzo semakin percaya diri di sekolah karena sangat terbantu. He always speaks English with his friends. Berbeda dengan tempat les lain, English Faster memberikan metode pembelajaran yang mudah dimengerti untuk anak-anak seusianya. Tunggu apa lagi? Mari bergabung di English Faster. Thank you.